President Director

Faty Khusumo is a 48 years old Indonesian citizen and she was appointed as President Director of the Company from June 11, 2021, based on the Decree of AGMS Resolution No. 90. Started her career as Commissioner at PT Pelayaran Tirtamas Express (1993-2003), then as Commissioner at PT Olah Jasa Andal (1997-2012), Commissioner of PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas (1999-2002), Director at PT Tempuran Emas (2002-2003), Director of the Company (2017-2020), and Director of PT Temas Lestari (2003-2022). She currently serves Commissioner at PT Temas Energy from 2023, Commissioner at PT Lestari Nasional Gas from 2023, and also serves as Deputy Head of Permanent Committee for Container Vessel and General Cargo at Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) from 2021, and as Deputy General Chair VII at the Indonesian National Shipowners Association (INSA) from 2020. She graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, United States of America (1998), and achieved her Master of Corporate Finance from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America (1999).