Madam Faty Khusumo, Managing Director within the TEMAS Group structure. Born in Jakarta August 8, 1975, she has influenced great changes within the company causing TEMAS Group to be one of the fastest growing container shipping companies as it is today. 


Madam Faty Khusumo started her career at TEMAS Group in 1993 as a commissioner in one of the company’s subsidiaries, namely PT Pelayaran Tirtamas Express which has now given its new name as PT Temas Shipping The spirit of professionalism and hard work can be said to be her ultimate contribution during his 22 years of dedication. During which time, she also succeeded in bringing the company into a massive corporation worthy of global recognition. 


“I aspire to congratulate every woman in Temas Group Happy Kartini Day…

…to me, women and men are seen equal, both are significantly qualified to fulfill their duties. I am hoping that everyone involved in TEMAS never fear gender matters as an obstruction to achieving. 

Congratulations for all women in TEMAS, future lies in your own hands. Congratulations on making high goals and happy working. With good intention and persistent determination, your goals would be visible and achievable. What you need is positive encouragement and support. 


Happy Kartini Day, together we strengthen Indonesia, our nation to be bolder.”



Author: Dicky Ardyansah